Russian generals targeted by Ukrainians thanks to American intelligence services

The United States provided the Ukrainians with intelligence that enabled them to target and sometimes kill several Russian generals on the battlefield.

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The information was revealed on Wednesday May 4 by the New York Times (paid item), and partially corroborated by the US National Security Council the next day.

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At the start of the conflict, Washington officially confirmed that it was providing intelligence to the Ukrainians but “not in real time” and could only be used “in defense”, not to mount an attack… Everything changed in early April, the head of the inter-arms staff, General Mark Miley, before a Senate committee: the floodgates of intelligence are now “wide open”, a flow transmitted in real time and directly operational.

As for the Russian generals, it was the movements of their field headquarters that were reported to the Ukrainians. US spy satellites and other tracking systems can perfectly determine these movements. It is then up to the Ukrainians to corroborate the information and mount a proper targeting operation.

The army in kyiv did not always need such information, the Russian officers themselves committing monumental errors, such as that of communicating on simple mobile phones, easily located by the Ukrainian intelligence services. At least ten general officers of the Russian Federation have been killed in Ukraine since the start of the war.

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