what to remember from the day of Wednesday, May 4

On the 70th day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, fighting intensifies in Mariupol, and more particularly on the site of the Azovstal steelworks, the last pocket of resistance in this major port city in southern Ukraine . For its part, Brussels presented its sixth set of sanctions against Russia on Wednesday May 4. Franceinfo looks back on the highlights of the day.

“Heavy fighting” at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol

The exiled mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boitchenko, reported “fierce fighting” on the Azovstal site, in Mariupol, a port city in southern Ukraine. According to him, “heavy artillery, tanks (and) aviation” are at work in this Russian offensive, as well as “ships that approached” from the coasts, the Azovstal plant being located along the Sea of ​​Azov. For its part, the evening the Ukrainian army said that Russian troops are trying to “destroy” the Ukrainian soldiers entrenched in Azovstal, the last pocket of resistance in the city.

The Ukrainian President called on the UN chief to come to the aid of the wounded in Azovstal. “The lives of the people who remain there are in danger (…) We ask for your help to save them”said Volodymyr Zelensky, quoted by his press service, during a telephone interview with Antonio Guterres.

Russia assures that a ceasefire will be put in place on Thursday to evacuate civilians from the Azovstal site

Russia assured on Wednesday evening that its troops would cease fire on the steelworks and open a humanitarian corridor for three days from Thursday to evacuate civilians. “The Russian armed forces will open a humanitarian corridor from 08:00 to 18:00 Moscow time [de 7 heures à 17 heures, heure française] on May 5, 6 and 7 from the site of the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant to evacuate civilians”, said the Ministry of Defense. Civilians who have taken refuge in the factory will be allowed to reach Russia or the territories under the control of kyiv, according to this text. According to the Ukrainian authorities, hundreds of soldiers and civilians, including dozens of children, are in underground galleries at this site.

The European Commission proposes a gradual embargo on Russian oil

“We will phase out Russian deliveries of crude oil within six months and of refined products by the end of the year”declared Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission during the presentation of the sixth package of European sanctions against Russia.

She also announced sanctions against several Russian officers accused of war crimes in Boutcha, as well as the exclusion of three Russian banks (including the country’s main bank, Sberbank) from the Swift platform, and the banning of three state-owned media. European airwaves.

The President of the European Council considers that supporting Moldova is “a duty”

Charles Michel announced that the European Union would “greatly increase” its military support for Moldova “by delivering additional military equipment”, during a visit to the country. This country bordering Ukraine is facing renewed tensions in the province of Transnistria, a pro-Russian region which declared its independence in 1992 and which could be used to “increase tensions”. At the end of April, a Russian general, Rustam Minnekayev, estimated that taking southern Ukraine would allow the Russians to have direct access to this region.

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