Fourth dose | People 18 and over can now make an appointment

All Quebecers aged 18 and over can now make an appointment to get their fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) announced on Wednesday.

Posted at 4:34 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

On Twitter, Health Quebec indicates that it is “now possible” for all Quebecers aged between 18 and 59 “to make an appointment on Clic Santé” to obtain a second booster dose.

The decision comes when there is still “no recommendation from the CIQ [Comité sur l’immunisation du Québec] for this age group”, admits the ministry. The latter adds that it remains however possible from now on to administer this fourth dose “to people who wish it”, in particular because there is “no contraindication” in this sense.

Earlier on Wednesday, the acting national director of public health, the Dr Luc Boileau, had argued that it is “probable” that Quebec will go through another wave next fall, which could require a “new vaccination effort”.

“There is no one in the world who is able to predict what will happen with the coronavirus. […] We are not immune to a surprise that will lead us to adjust a series of measures, ”he said, not however advancing on a possible extension of the fourth dose.

Until now, the fourth dose was available for people aged 60 and over. The government’s first priority was to administer the second booster dose to residents of CHSLDs and private seniors’ residences (RPA).

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