honeys, bees and queens at Mellifert

Paul Fert is like his father Gilles, a beekeeper, he says it himself like Obélix, he fell into it when he was little. His dad is gradually retiring since Paul returned from his travels everywhere, a traveler like his father. The work of a beekeeper today has become a little more difficult because of the very changeable weather, the bees are very sensitive to it.

Paul Fert takes care with great rigor of his millions of bees. Count 50 thousand bees per hive on average.

The bees come out earlier and earlier and end the season later and later, it is an annual observation that is becoming more and more accentuated. The beekeeper must be more attentive so that they do not die of hunger or cold. A bee lives shorter than a queen. Paul Fert came with 7 different honeys, he explains the differences such as the color and of course the taste. We tasted the fresh pollen called by the chefs the quite amazing bee caviar. Paul Fert is a great ambassador for this little bee that is so important for all of humanity, he is going to tell us why we need to trap Asian hornets in this month of May.

You will find the different honeys and products in Argagnon at the Mellifert beekeeping farm.

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