the vote of the National Council of the PS “is going to be a titanic battle”, according to the spokesman of the party

After the finalization of an agreement with La France insoumise for the legislative elections on Wednesday May 4, the validation of this text by the National Council of the Socialist Party “is going to be a titanic battle”, recognized on franceinfo Pierre Jouvet, spokesperson for the party and one of the negotiators of this agreement for the PS. The members of the National Council must vote Thursday evening on this agreement with LFI during a vote.

>> Legislative 2022: follow the live on the negotiations on the left

“I hear the anger, especially on the distribution of constituencies”continues Pierre Jouvet, “but I say to the activists who are going to vote: do not turn your back on this rally and on the people of the left who are waiting for us to change people’s lives”. This text, which he describes as “good electoral agreement” provides 70 constituencies for the PS, 30 of which are winnable.

Following this agreement, former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced that he was leaving the PS. “I regret”reacts Pierre Jouvet. “I cannot hear, knowing the history of the party, that the PS is afraid of a rally”he adds, explaining that “the other proposed path” was to continue with “divisions”.

This gathering is qualified “of history” by Pierre Jouvet who explains that the left “has the same goals”particularly on retirement at age 60. “It was the position of the PS during the Holland five-year term, he assures, retiring at 60 for long careers is not a break.”

Same position on possible differences on Europe. “We must each take a step, he saysand we were able to see that we could move forward together towards convergence to change this liberal Europe.”

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