Stéphane Plaza dares to joke on a very sensitive subject!

Since joining the “Big Heads” band on RTL, Stéphane Plaza has enjoyed playing the role of beta. The most famous real estate agent of the PAF connects the most grotesque answers during the start of the program devoted to questions of general culture. Certainly, Karine Le Marchand’s great friend adds a little bit to make the assembly laugh at his expense. But this Tuesday, May 3, 2022, the host may have added a little too much. While Hugo Manos’ companion was questioning his members about a historical fact relating to Joan of Arc, Stéphane Plaza dared to make a schoolboy joke which he is often fond of.

While Laurent Ruquier asked what Joan of Arc had said to his comrade in arms to thank him for offering him a military escort, Stéphane Plaza intervenes and launches “Thanks for the pipe!“Something to outrage part of the public and make the RTL host react.”There you are going to have all the Catholics who are going to write to you because Joan of Arc cannot be touched, Monsieur Plaza!“, warns the latter. The host of House for sale then realizes his oddity: “I’m going to have all the Catholics on my back…

It is unclear whether Stéphane Plaza will attract the wrath of part of the Catholic community, but the times are not favorable to attacks of this kind. If across the Atlantic Chris Rock must still remember his bad joke on the physique of Will Smith’s wife, closer to home it is a French comedian who explained that he had been the subject of death threats following a chronicle recited on RTL already.

“I was the subject of two fatwas, Philippe Caverivière recently told Le Parisien, specifying:”One of the fans of Bébert, of the group Les Forbans, and the other of the Portuguese, after some relaunched valves. Not at the time of the chronicle moreover, but three months later.“The author of Nicolas Canteloup even sparked a controversy last January when he made fun of the Portuguese.”It’s a bit strange to receive eight hundred insulting messages, and calls from my Portuguese friends asking me what I’ve done because they talk about me in the newspaper“, he explained.


See also: Stéphane Plaza wanted to leave everything behind!

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