United States | Pfizer hopes to show vaccine effectiveness for toddlers by June

The multinational pharmaceutical company Pfizer hopes to be able to tell American authorities how well its vaccine against COVID-19 works in the little ones by the end of May or the beginning of June.

Posted at 9:08 p.m.

Pfizer is testing three very small doses of its vaccine in children under the age of 5 after two shots were found not to be strong enough. The first results were expected last month, but the company presented the latest schedule on Tuesday during its discussion of its quarterly financial results.

Currently in the United States, only children age 5 or older can be vaccinated using Pfizer’s vaccine, leaving 18 million young children unprotected.

The pharmaceutical company Moderna hopes to be the first to offer the vaccination for the youngest. Last week, she filed data with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that she hopes will prove that two of her low-dose injections work in children under 5. Moderna has also filed applications with the FDA for older children, though the agency hasn’t ruled on them either.

The FDA has already set tentative dates in June to publicly review data on COVID-19 vaccines for toddlers under age 5 from either or both companies.

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