VIDEO. “We need a decentralized country”, Renaud Muselier asks Emmanuel Macron for more skills for the regions

“We need a decentralized country”asks Tuesday May 3 on franceinfo the president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region Renaud Muselier. “Everything is decided by Paris”, “a verticalized country”, “it does not work”, according to him. Support for Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election and for the next legislative elections, he hopes for more powers for the regions, even if he does not have “no insurance” of the President of the Republic on this point. Renaud Muselier therefore requires more skills in “health”, “the environment” and “everything that is not regalian”.

“In terms of proximity, we are stronger”he assures us, based in particular on what was done during the health crisis. “We were much more responsive than the government” who “did not speak to the prefects”.

“The regional presidents provided masks when the state had none.” Renaud Muselier therefore wants the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) to be attached to the regions, whereas they are now dependent on the Ministry of Health. “It must be done with local hospitals, by integrating mayors and departments.” In terms of the environment, the president of the Paca region, for example, would like to have his say on the future locations of offshore wind turbines. “We know better than anyone the boat traffic and the places where it can’t be seen from the coast.”

He would also like to influence the decisions taken in ports such as Nice, Toulon and Marseille, which is “a former autonomous port in which there is no influence on the board of directors. How do you want to organize all the factories, oil, gas, terminals?” For the Deputy President of Regions of France, “It’s just common sense, you have to work with the locals”.

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