Right to abortion | The unprecedented leak to the Supreme Court of the United States, a daring political gamble

(Washington) Who could have attempted this political gamble? The leak of a document from the Supreme Court of the United States, which revealed a probable reversal on abortion, raised many questions on Tuesday as the high court is known to jealously protect the secrecy of its deliberations.

Posted at 1:58 p.m.

Charlotte PLANTIVE
France Media Agency

On Monday night, the Politico news site released a draft majority ruling that, if passed as it stands, will take the United States back 50 years to when every state was free to prohibit women from terminating their pregnancies.

The document is “authentic”, but does not represent the “final” decision of the Court, the institution said on Tuesday. Denouncing “treason” aimed at “undermining” the work of the high court, its leader John Roberts ordered an internal investigation to find the origin of the leak.

Beyond the substantive issues, the scoop stunned Washington, where the Supreme Court is one of the few institutions to keep the media at a safe distance.

“There has never been such a leak” in the High Court, tweeted lawyer Neal Katyal. “It’s the equivalent of the ‘Pentagon Papers,'” he added in reference to the publication by the New York Timesin 1971, of ultra-secret documents relating to the American engagement in Vietnam.

“There have been leaks in the Supreme Court before, but never of this magnitude,” nuanced Orin Kerr, professor of law at the University of Berkeley in California.

“Radical Left”

The historic 1973 judgment “Roe v. Wade”, in which the Supreme Court had recognized the right to abortion and which is now in danger, had itself been published upstream by the magazine Time. But the article came out just hours before the official announcement, with no bearing on the decision.

This time, the leaker – one of the nine judges? one of their assistants? a court employee? – no doubt intended to mobilize public opinion in the hope of influencing the magistrates before their final decision, expected by June 30.

“This is clearly a calculated and political act carried out by someone who is willing to abandon his professional ethics for a political cause,” wrote on Twitter Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington University.

According to Politico, five conservative justices supported the draft ruling when it was written in February. But negotiations are continuing and all it takes is the defection of one of them for an alternative text to be adopted.

Conservatives have no doubt: the leak therefore comes from “the radical left”, which seeks “to intimidate the judges”, estimated the leader of the Republican minority in the Senate Mitch McConnell, demanding “punishments” for those responsible .

“Lost Innocence”

In a similar vein, Republican Sen. Josh Hawley called on the judges to “not give in” to the spontaneous protests that followed the publication of the Politico article and to release their ruling “right now.”

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who seems more concerned with preserving the Court’s image than some of his conservative colleagues, could be the subject of this campaign.

But, for some observers, the indiscretion could also come from the conservative camp and reflect the cracks within it.

“Imagine you are a conservative judge determined to overturn Roe v. Wade. You had five votes to do it […], but you begin to fear losing your majority. What would you do ? tweeted law professor Steve Vladeck.

Whatever the intentions of the prying eyes, “they will not succeed”, assured the magistrate John Roberts: “the work of the Court will not be affected in any way”.

On the other hand, its legitimacy risks coming out weakened. “The Court will never be the same again”, tweeted Jonathan Turley: “we have all lost our innocence and understood that the Court can no longer stay away from politics”.

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