MAPS. Which US states would ban abortion if the Supreme Court overturns?

The American site Politico revealed a “pre-agreement” of the Supreme Court of the United States on the suspension of abortion at the federal level. franceinfo looked at the situation state by state.

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The US Supreme Court may be set to overturn a landmark judgment on abortion rights, according to a draft ruling the site Politico (in English) leaked: Roe v. Wade. Adopted in 1973 by the highest court in the United States, it guarantees all Americans the right to abortion. According to this provisional text by Judge Samuel Alito, Roe v. Wade was”totally unfounded from the start“. A possibility that revolts the American Planned Parenthood, but which is not entirely surprising.

>> United States: can the year 2022 see the right to abortion dismantled by the Supreme Court?

If, on several occasions, the Supreme Court upheld its 1973 judgment, the Trump mandate was a game-changer. The former American president was able to appoint 3 judges, consecrating the conservative majority of the Supreme Court: 6 out of 9 judges are attached to the Conversateurs. Especially since, for several years, the right to abortion has been regularly called into question, particularly at the level of the federated states. Some have largely restricted the possibilities of abortion.

According to the franceinfo count, around twenty states would immediately ban abortion*, either because of laws that preceded Roe and would be applicable again, or because of “trigger laws”texts adopted since 1973 and which will automatically enter into force if the judgment is reversed.

It is believed that several other states held by the Republican Party would quickly legislate in this direction. Ultimately, abortion would be banned in more than half of the American states.

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