Russian journalists exiled following the war in Ukraine fight for freedom of information

When the war in Ukraine broke out, Denis Kataev, a Russian journalist for an opposition television channel, fled his country. He tells the “Quart d’Heure” his desire to inform the Russians, freely, to fight Vladimir Putin’s propaganda. We also come back to the right to abortion threatened in the United States. And we decipher the enthusiasm on the web around the trial between Johnny Depp and his ex.

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Russia is scarlet red on Reporters Without Borders’ map, released on Tuesday to mark World Press Freedom Day. It is ranked 155th out of 180 countries. This is five ranks lower than last year. A decrease necessarily linked to the current context. Since the war in Ukraine, independent Russian media have shut down. Ban on using the word “war” or reporting on the conflict in the media. Feeling in danger, more than 200 journalists went into exile in different countries such as France. This is the case of Denis Kataev, a Russian journalist for the opposition channel “Dojd”. He has been in residence with the international service of Radio France ever since. Denis Kataev explains to us that it is essential to inform the Russians during this war, even from abroad.

Advocates of the right to abortion gathered last night in front of the Supreme Court of the United States.   (ALLISON BAILEY/NURPHOTO)

Anti-abortion activists (voluntary termination of pregnancy) and defenders of the right to abortion demonstrated, each on their side, Monday evening in front of the Supreme Court of the United States. Why ? America’s highest court is set to overturn a landmark 1973 ruling that protects women’s right to abortion. This right has been widely challenged in some states for several years, but we explain why the news is surprising and what the consequences of this step back would be.

And then, “Le Quart d’Heure” wonders: why our Twittter, Tik Tok and Instagram news feeds are inundated with videos and photos of the trial between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard? The slightest information about their private life is commented on by the fans. This enthusiasm is linked to the quest for visibility of certain Internet users explains Vincent Manilève, streamer specializing in web culture and author of the book “Youtube, behind the screens”.

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