La Petite-Patrie | Police operation at Père-Marquette school after threats

A vast police operation was held Tuesday morning at Père-Marquette high school, in the La-Petite-Patrie sector, in connection with threats that would have been made at the start of the day, forcing the suspension of classes.

Posted at 9:28
Updated at 10:31 a.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

The Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) confirms having received a call to 911 around 7:40 a.m., concerning “threatening remarks” whose nature is still unknown. These threats would have been made on social networks.

Quickly, a security perimeter was then erected around the school, from the start of the morning. “For the moment, we do not know exactly if it was directed to a particular student, the school or another organization,” said agent Mariane Allaire Morin, spokesperson for the police force.

According to him, several students were “not yet in class at the time of the call” made to the police. They therefore went there as a preventive measure, to “ensure the safety of all” and circumscribe any form of potential threat. Personnel on site have been evacuated and are safe. No one was injured.

“We really don’t take any chances in such cases, and we establish a security perimeter. The situation is under control,” insisted Allaire Morin, indicating that an investigation is underway to try to determine the origin of the threat, and its author. Investigators are expected to go to the scene on Tuesday, accompanied by the Technological Crimes Unit, to shed light on the situation.

Classes suspended for the day

In an internal notice sent to parents on Tuesday, the school principal, Éric Benoit, indicated that “so far, no fears have arisen as to the safety of the premises”, specifying that the SPVM is continuing its investigation. . “In accordance with the recommendation of the SPVM, the school will be closed as a precaution today, Tuesday, May 3, 2022. All classes are suspended for the day,” he announced.

He affirms that the activities of the establishment will be able to resume as of Wednesday according to the usual schedule. “We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we prefer, in this context, to ensure the safety of students and members of our staff,” writes Mr. Benoit.

“Students of 5and secondary will be able to pick up their preparation book this afternoon for the ministerial exam scheduled for this week. Tomorrow, the school’s professionals will also be available on site to welcome students who would like to express themselves on this situation”, finally specifies the director.

This is not the first time that the Père-Marquette school has been targeted by threats. Almost two years ago, in October 2020, this establishment located on Marquette Street, just south of Bellechasse, had been the subject of a major police deployment – ​​including the Tactical Intervention Group – after a containment alarm, associated with an active shooter threat, was triggered earlier in the day.

At the time, no students were in the school, since it was a pedagogical day. The police had all the same taken out all the employees, who were sent to another building. The threat was ultimately proven to be unfounded.

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