fifteen million poultry slaughtered due to an unprecedented epidemic


France 2

Article written by

A. Guillé-Épée, J. Delage, A. Rouvray, France 3 Toulouse – France 2

France Televisions

Avian flu is merciless in France: 15 million poultry have been slaughtered in less than six months. Nearly 1,400 farms were contaminated.

Poultry are less numerous on the stalls of certain businesses. Sometimes they are even smaller. The chickens are indeed sold prematurely to make up for the lack of goods. This is a consequence of the avian flu epidemic, which is unprecedented in France. It has decimated farms: 15 million poultry have been slaughtered because of the disease or as a preventive measure to curb its spread.

In the Lot, the Quercy company is shut down for a fortnight, due to a lack of available ducks. It transforms more than 7 million a year for preserves or foie gras. “We are going to be forced to operate with reduced volumes of ducklings, therefore recoverable animals, and this certainly until the end of 2022”, Explain Jean-Luc Fouraignan, director of the Quercynoise. Several regions have been hard hit by theavian flu, in the West and the South-West. But it is in Vendée that the epidemic has wreaked the most havoc, with 9 million poultry slaughtered and a third of farmers affected.

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