how do the inhabitants of the territories held by the Russians live?


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The teams of the 20 Hours of France 2 went to meet those who now live in the Ukrainian territories conquered and held by the Russians. Not all Ukrainians are against it.

The south of Ukraine is squared by the Russians. The teams of the 20 Hours of France 2 are among the first Western journalists to enter. The Russian army accompanied them and wishes to show the life which resumes. Berdiansk (Ukraine) fell at the start of the Russian offensive. On official buildings, the Russian flag flies. On this day, for the very first time since February, weddings were even celebrated according to Russian law. An example of the ongoing Russification in southern Ukraine.

In each city, Russia appoints local leaders whom it presents to the press. Their roadmap is clear. “For now, it is a military civilian administration. Our future, we see it with Russia,” said Alexander Saulienko, head of the administration of Berdiansk, appointed by the Russians. In Melitopol (Ukraine), further west, there were protests just after the Russians arrived. From now on, the central square is strictly guarded by Russian soldiers, who broadcast patriotic songs. All the Soviet heritage is summoned. “I came with a red flag for Russia to win, I’m not afraid of anything, because we lived well with Russia”, entrusts Lyubov Gounko, a 71-year-old resident of Melitopol. However, other residents share their dismay in half a word. “The prices are high. They put a new flag. Before, it was our Ukrainian flag,” affirms Vladislav Relentchuk, another 19-year-old resident.

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