Vancouver Marathon | A “suspicious device” discovered on the course delays the start of the race

(Vancouver) The start of the Vancouver marathon was delayed an hour on Sunday because explosives experts had to neutralize a “suspicious device” discovered on the course.

Posted at 9:14 p.m.

Amy Smart
The Canadian Press

Sergeant Steve Addison of the Vancouver Police Department called the incident “extremely disturbing” in a statement released during the day. He added that the device appeared to have been placed in a strategic location, mid-course, with the alleged aim of creating chaos in the event.

According to the police, however, explosives experts have determined that the device does not pose a real danger of explosion and that it does not pose a threat to the public.

According to the police statement, an event volunteer discovered the object near the Science World museum around 5 a.m. Sunday, about two hours before the start of the race. He quickly reported everything to the emergency services by dialing 911.

An investigation has been launched to shed light on the incident. No arrests have yet been announced in this case. The marathon was delayed by just over an hour due to all the commotion.

It was the 50and anniversary of the Vancouver Marathon and its return in person after the cancellation in 2020 and the virtual format in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sergeant Addison offered no details regarding the craft, including its manufacture or size. By email, he explained that this information is not being disclosed at this time so as not to harm the investigation.

Despite the discovery of the device, the police determined that the event could go ahead. Sergeant Addison, however, refused to give details on how the police proceed to ensure the security of major events.

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