the left does not yet rank behind Mélenchon



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While he is the figure that unites the most on the left, the LFI candidate is not unanimous.

The unmissable May Day parade is also an opportunity for elected officials to mark their presence. Positions to be observed in view of the next legislative elections, especially on the PS and LFI sides which have not yet managed to agree to constitute a force on the left. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon would see himself as the leader of a great left-wing coalition which would also take up most of his program and the banner of his popular union in view of the legislative elections. Jean-Luc Mélenchon even asks that we elected to Matignon and seems to be in the best position to achieve this“, explains Jean-Christophe Galeazzi on the 23h set of franceinfo.

“François Hollande would see himself as the savior of the left after having let Anne Hidalgo’s PS go into the wall with minimal support. The former president would like an old plural left with ecologists and communists, but not sure that is sufficient to save constituencies. As for Yannick Jadot, he was very critical of the planned hegemony of JL. Mélenchon”he continues. “Beyond the war of leaders there are real fundamental differences, such as the European question and the fear of losing an ideology that is in power in several European countries, social democracy”concludes Jean-Christophe Galeazzi.

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