To cook like a chef, here is the list of ingredients for 4 people and the recipe to follow step by step!
– 3 white sausages from Rethel
– 1 roll of puff pastry
– 1 bottle of old Clovis vinegar
– butter
– 1 jar of mustard with grape must from Clovis
– liquid cream
– salt and pepper
Cut out 12 rectangles of puff pastry then bake them between two baking sheets at 180°C. Wash and slice the leeks then sweat them in butter and oil for 15 minutes. Add old Reims vinegar, continue cooking for 2 minutes then cream lightly.
Cook the white sausages in a frying pan and brown each side carefully. Add the mustard to the grape must and bake for 5 minutes.
All around the plate, make small dots with the grape must mustards then place a rectangle of puff pastry and the julienne of leeks. Cut the sausage into slices and place it on top. Finally, place a flower and a few leaves of lamb’s lettuce.
And taste!