franceinfo seniors. Avenues for reflection to rethink innovative housing for vulnerable seniors

The question of the care of seniors with a loss of autonomy is more than ever at the heart of the news, particularly on housing adapted to everyone.

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The question of the care of seniors with a loss of autonomy is more than ever at the heart of the news, the highlighting of many flaws in the care system for seniors in France have led players in the sector to question their modus operandi.

With the grandpa-boom, one in three people will be over 60 by 2051. What solutions to support them with dignity? Traditional structures (Ehpad, retirement homes, etc.) have been thought of as health establishments and not as places to live. The majority of seniors wish to stay at home, this desire comes up against the problems of social isolation and housing that is often unsuitable for the reduction in their physical abilities.

The Cosima company has imagined shared homes for the over 65s with a loss of autonomy and in need of permanent support and security. Each shared home accommodates up to 8 inhabitants and includes equipped private spaces (bedroom, bathroom) and shared living spaces (open kitchen, living room, dining room), furnished with care. The dwellings are designed both for collective life and to meet individual needs and everyone’s privacy. The inhabitants are at home and are therefore free to move around and receive their relatives as they would in their traditional homes.

They are accompanied 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a multidisciplinary team which intervenes in an approach based on maintaining autonomy and respecting everyone’s freedom of choice. This qualitative and individualized solution makes it possible to control costs by pooling expenses. This new type of shared housing for seniors has opened in Lourdes (65).

The benefits of this “experience” are already visible since there is an improvement in the general state of health of the people living in the home. By offering a secure living environment, creating exchanges and social ties, this solution is deeply rooted in the current challenges of caring for seniors with loss of autonomy. On the strength of this result, the company is continuing its development in France with around ten openings planned over the next two years.

About Cosima Company with a mission dedicated to better aging: everything started from a common feeling of its founders and the obvious need to create a new path in the life course of seniors. This company offers an alternative to nursing homes while providing a more inclusive, safer and benevolent response.

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