Emmanuel Macron visiting the Hautes-Pyrénées, “takes the pulse of the country”



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Emmanuel Macron is again on the ground, visiting, Friday April 29, Barbazan-Debat in the Hautes-Pyrénées. A region that is dear to him, that of his grandmother Germaine Noguès, to whom he was very close. Live on site, journalist Christophe Gascard takes stock of this day of travel.

Emmanuel Macron, visiting Barbazan-Debat in the Hautes-Pyrénées on Friday April 29, wants to show that he is still in action, while the mystery remains over the formation of the new government. “This is an opportunity to take the pulse of the country, while it is still unknown who will be at the head of the next government”indicates the journalist Christophe Gascard, live on the spot. “Emmanuel Macron therefore wants to give himself time, consult, and that’s what he does in the field, meeting the inhabitants, traders, craftsmen and elected officials of this Pyrenean town of 3,400 inhabitants”reports the journalist.

This visit ofthe President of the Republic “is an opportunity tochange on the issues of their territory. In the entourage of the president, we are told that he needs a government that speaks to everyone, but with ministers who converge on his project”, explains Christophe Gascard. It is therefore “a complex equation to solve”he continues. “Whatever the case, the Head of State wants to remain the master of the clocks, not to give in to media pressure, therefore continue to consult on the ground, before announcing who will lead his future government”concludes the journalist.

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