Léa Salamé cut off constantly: she has to reframe her famous guest live!

With 22% of the votes in the first round of the presidential elections, rebellious France narrowly missed the second round, giving way to outgoing President Emmanuel Macron (LREM) and Marine Le Pen (RN). It is in this post-election context that François Ruffin, one of the figures of the Insoumis, was interviewed during the morning show of France Inter, by Léa Salamé on April 28, 2022. The host and journalist had difficulty in cut off his guest!

Deputy France insubordinate of the Somme and candidate for his re-election for the legislative elections, François Ruffin was, as usual, more passionate and reassembled than ever. During his first interview since the elections, he gave his opinion on the vote. Recognizing that the election of the Head of State was legitimate, he kept saying that his project was him, on the other hand, “minority in the country“.

Unfolding his pitch, he found it hard to stop to answer his host’s questions. Several times, we can hear the voice of Raphaël Glucksmann’s companion trying to cut him off: “JI may be able to place one, but it’s not sure…“She ends up raising her voice slightly, keeping her smile, proclaiming: “Boop boop boop! I was going to ask you the question also in relation to the score of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.“Finally, it was almost easier for her to intervene during the debate between the two rounds!

This shocking punchline

The politician and director (Thanks boss, Stand up women!…) shocked the press for another reason, however, by qualifying the President of the Republic as “bastard“: “When we had five years of Holland, and his heir, his son, or his bastard Emmanuel Macron, is presented as the continuity of this left there, it could be rolled in the country.”

A fiery man who leaves no one indifferent, François Ruffin had previously been talked about during a media appearance, still in front of Léa Salamé, but on the set of France 2 in We are live in October 2021. He had not spared the Minister Delegate for Citizenship Marlène Schiappa. She then found him.not very respectful“.

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