Fitzgibbon wants to help Dubé make room for private health care

Economy Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon will unveil a $200 million policy next month that could contribute to the government’s plan to make more room for the private sector in health care.

The new version of the life sciences strategy, led by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI), was drawn up in collaboration with the Minister of Health Christian Dubé, Mr Fitzgibbon said on Thursday.

“He will not be able to deliver his plan if the life sciences, which we support at the MEI, do not participate,” he said in an interview with the To have to.

The Minister affirmed that the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) needs the private sector to achieve its telemedicine objectives.

“I think it’s important that we let the private sector participate in certain services that could be offered,” he explained. We are not going to privatize health, we are just talking about certain services. »

Mr. Fitzgibbon gave the example of the company Dialogue, which has a virtual care platform allowing remote diagnostics, which reduces traffic in emergencies.

“It’s champion,” he said, praising the efficiency gains made possible by his services.

Mr. Dubé’s involvement in the strategy will allow him to determine which private resources could eventually serve the health network.

“Mr. Dubé has services he wants to offer, to change,” he said. Does it do it internally with the MSSS or look to private companies to see if some can do it? »

Essential services

The strategy, which will be spread over three years, will be a new version of the one announced by the Liberals in 2017. Philippe Couillard’s government had planned 150 million for a period up to 2027. The pandemic, however, prompted the MEI to update it.

During the study of his ministry’s credits, in a parliamentary committee, Mr. Fitzgibbon was careful to specify that the MEI is at the service of the MSSS, and not the other way around.

“There are essential, important social services that cannot be left to the private sector,” he warned, adding that the strategy is not designed around Mr. Dubé’s plan to rebuild.

The Legault government plans to inject 100 million additional funds to an equivalent amount that had not yet been used in the 2017 plan. In total, 200 million can be used to stimulate private projects, said Mr. Fitzgibbon.

According to the Minister, this assistance should be used to generate a total investment of one billion dollars over three years.

In March, Prime Minister François Legault said that 20% of the solutions to improve health care services would come from the private sector.

Subsequently, Mr. Dubé unveiled a plan that provides more room for the private sector. So far he has mainly mentioned that the private sector will be used to catch up on certain surgeries.

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