liquefied gas from the United States as an alternative to Russian gas


Article written by

L. de La Mornais, T. Donzel, G. Gillet, K. Sullivan – France 2

France Televisions

The French have reduced their gas consumption by 8% since the start of the year and by 10% in March. In order to be less dependent on Russian gas, the United States wants to compensate with its liquefied gas.

Louisiana’s economy relies on gas plants sprouting up everywhere. In France, the gas consumed comes first from Norway at 40%, then from Russia at 17%, from Algeria, Nigeria, the Netherlands and the United States for just under 6%. In recent years, America has been the new El Dorado for shale gas obtained by hydraulic fracturing.

Today, France is the leading exporter of American gas. “In the first three months of 2022, imports from the United States have already reached last year’s levels. So over the year 2022, we will probably triple or even quadruple the imports of American liquefied gas“, explains Eric Festa, director of LNG industrial activities at Total Energies. But, to transport it anywhere in the world, the gas must be transformed into liquid. The product then leaves Louisiana by boat to France, for two weeks. This liquid gas is not the miracle solution, because its carbon footprint is higher.

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