“My family put a little pressure on me”: Sophie Tapie served by her name? She answers cash

From now on, the name Tapie is illustrated by the children of the deceased Bernard, who died in October 2021 after several years of fierce battle against cancer. While his sons are also businessman and watch over the empire of the patriarch, his daughter Sophie pursues her career as a singer. She confided in France Info, evoking the pressure she has had since the spotlight has been shined on her.

After releasing the disc 1988 last year, the young artist, now 34, offered an augmented version. “Yes, there was a before and an after, of course, as anyone can imagine. So, I preferred to do a reissue of this album because I had things to add“, she explains to France Info. Through four new titles, Sophie Tapie wants to highlight the fact that she sees “always life on the bright side“Even though the trials are legion; the clan must, for example, face Bernard’s debts and the justice that continues its work.

The young woman, who went through the show The Voice on TF1, is today that of the clan which has the most media visibility due to its profession of singer. Sophie Tapie brings to life the name of her illustrious dad, a jack-of-all-trades who has done politics as well as theater or managed business. By opting for a job like this, the pretty blonde exposes herself…”It’s a bit of pressure, I feel it, the fact of being a public person, it’s in spite of ourselves. My family put a little pressure on me without wanting it. It’s not me the eldest, it’s not me who will manage the family. Not at all. For me, Tapie is a brand and the problem is that on the milk carton, now it’s my head and that puts a little pressure, I’m going to have to relax“, she says.

If she is fully aware that her name can possibly serve her, that she is expected at the turn and that the criticisms are sometimes likely to be harsh, Sophie Tapie is not really afraid, she who swears that to have been forced to succeeding in making a place for himself in front of a father like his has only served him in life. “I’m very hard on myself and I’m very hard on others.“, she adds.

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