6-year-old boy dies of heart attack after drinking energy drink

On Saturday April 16, 2022, 6-year-old Francisco Cervantes died after drinking a glass of Monster Energy, reports the Daily Mirror. The child was on vacation with his grandmother in Matamoros, in northeastern Mexico, at the time of the incident. Thirsty, he threw himself on a glass filled with the famous energy drink before feeling the effects of the cocktail. Taken unwell, the boy was rushed to the local hospital Alfredo Pumarejo where doctors were able to diagnose intoxication. A few moments later, they noted the state of brain death of the child. After 6 days in a coma, the little boy’s mother agreed to disconnect her son.

I thank all those who came to offer their support. Unfortunately, my son couldn’t take it anymore. We will now take care of his funeral and offer him a Christian burial. “, she said with emotion shortly after the death. According to our English-speaking colleagues, various health professionals and services, including the National Health Service (NHS), advise young children not to consume energy drinks, as these are often high in caffeine and sugar.

34 deaths linked to the consumption of energy drinks

A 2019 study called “Impact of High Volume Energy Drink Consumption on Electrocardiographic and Blood Pressure Parameters: A Randomized Trial” conducted by the United States Food and Drug Administration found that more than 30 deaths related to energy drink consumption had been identified. The report states that ” consumption of energy drinks has caused cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, spontaneous coronary dissection as well as coronary vasospasm “. The Mirror attempted to contact Monster Beverage Corporation to no avail. The American company did not wish to answer the questions of our colleagues.


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