Pierre Ménès victim of harassment and hatred: his wife reveals terrible voice messages

Funny time for Pierre Menes since he was accused more than a year ago of sexual assault by several journalists who worked with him. A true star of Canal + for years, the 58-year-old journalist made the heyday of the encrypted channel before being thanked with a very nice check following these numerous accusations. If the investigation is progressing to try to clarify the truth in this affair, Pierre Ménès has tried to bounce back on his side by creating his own media.

In a relationship with Melissa Acosta since 2011, the latter has always shown solidarity with her companion despite the numerous accusations of which he is the target. Three days ago, Pierre Ménès indicated on his Twitter account that he was hospitalized for five days, without specifying the reasons for this hospitalization. After having had several serious health problems in the past, the sports journalist does not seem to be completely out of the woods yet. Alongside his health problems, the former colleague of Hervé Mathoux is also victim of bullyingas his partner Melissa Acosta revealed on Instagram today.

Several messages wishing the death of Pierre Ménès

In her story, the companion of Pierre Ménès published a video in which she listens to a series of messages on the phone of her spouse. We see on the screen lots of calls from unknown number who seems to have called the same day at least six times. When she listens to the voice messages, we realize that it is indeed moral harassment. In particular, we can hear the individual say about Pierre Ménès: “I wish you to die in the hospital little sh*t” or another say to him: “Big pig, you could have died in the hospital, dirty dog” (a video to be found in the slideshow).

Messages of rare violence in the face of which Melissa Acosta felt compelled to respond. In her story, she then posts a message where she summarizes her thoughts: “And There you go a little summary when you’re being harassed all evening! (One among many others), but it’s ok, everything is fine, everything is normal!!! But when there is a suicide following harassment like that, there, strangely all the right-thinking people and the defenders of good justice, we don’t hear your big mouths!!!!”she writes full of rage.

Victim of repeated harassment, Pierre Ménès knows in any case that he can count on the support of his partner Melissa, ready to do anything to defend him.

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