The PS mayor of Avignon Cécile Helle wants the union of the left for the legislative elections

This Wednesday, April 27, the executives of France Insoumise (LFI) and the Socialist Party (PS) met for three long hours to negotiate a possible agreement in the run-up to the June legislative elections. The two parties left the meeting announcing to the press that there was no “insurmountable” difference between them. At the local level too, alliances are discussed and Cécile Helle, the PS mayor of Avignon wants the left to go to the elections as a group.

The mayor of Avignon confided that she was already asking for this alliance before the first round of the presidential election, “for all the citizens, Vaucluse or elsewhere who had the frustration of not seeing the left work together and find themselves in the second round of the presidential election”. So now “we must emphasize what brings us together and not what divides us” she concludes. There are 5 weeks left before the legislative elections, 5 weeks to agree on 5 constituencies in Vaucluse.

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