Elon Musk marked forever: what did his first child die of?

Elon Musk just bought Twitter for $44 billion, this Monday, April 25. News that shakes the world as the new owner of the blue bird social network advocates the most total freedom of expression. The billionaire of South African origin, whose this latest financial operation is already fearing certain abuses, is in terms of his personal life the father of six children. Five boys, with his first wife Justine Wilson, and a sixth X AE A-12, from his love affair with Grimes, from whom he would finally be separated since last September. But Elon Musk is above all marked for life by a tragedy: the death of a child.

Twenty years ago, the billionaire, new owner of Twitter, had to overcome the insurmountable ordeal of the death of a child. Her son died in 2002, when he was only ten weeks old. Nevada Alexander Musk, son born of his union with Justine Wilson, succumbed to sudden infant death syndrome. A brutal loss since this syndrome remains as vague today as ever. It affects babies less than a year old, yet in good health. Devastated by the ordeal, Elon Musk and his wife remain united despite everything. In 2004, they thus became parents again by giving birth to twins, then triplets in 2006. Children all born thanks to in vitro fertilization.

Who are her famous exes?

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