Twitter boycott threats fly away! 5 things to know about Elon Musk!

1. He created his first invention when he was 12 years old

Before being a billionaire and businessman, Elon Musk was a video game enthusiast. At the age of twelve, to test his nascent computer knowledge, he coded his own video game, Blastar, in BASIC language. A creation that looks a lot like the famous space invaders Where Asteroids. With a taste already pronounced for business, he sells the source code of his first creation for the equivalent of 500 dollars to a South African specialized magazine, PC And Office Technologywho published it in December 1984.

2. Elon Musk has no fixed address.

As unlikely as it may seem, Elon Musk, one of the richest men in the world, is homeless. “I don’t own a house. I literally stay with friends. If I’m traveling to the San Francisco Bay side, where most of Tesla’s engineering locations are, I alternate depending on what rooms are available at my friends’ homes.“, he declared last April.

3. Donald Trump’s return has been mooted following the takeover of Twitter

Having criticized Twitter for its content moderation policy which he considers restrictive and dangerous for freedom of expression, by buying the platform, Elon Musk has left some people thinking that Donald Trump would make his return there. But the former US president has somehow reassured his detractors. “I don’t go on Twitter, I stay on Truth”, he told the American channel Fox News. “Freedom of expression is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital public square where issues vital to the future of humanity are debated.“, defended Monday, April 25, Elon Musk.

4. His ambition is to create a civilization on the planet Mars

Fanciful billionaire with a thousand facets, Elon Musk is not content with ordinary business. One of his ambitions is to create a civilization on the planet Mars which he hopes to create human colonies by 2024.

5. He inspired a famous fictional character

Jon Favreau, the director of the film Iron Man has revealed that he was inspired by the billionaire to create the character of Tony Stark. The billionaire even played himself in the second opus, during a scene where he offers Tony Stark to study “an electric jet”.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: The impossible education of Barron Trump

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