the difficult evacuation of civilians on the front line



Article written by

A. Vahramian, S. Yassine, P. Miette, P. Yurov, D. Mireshkin – franceinfo

France Televisions

In the east, in Roubijné, people try to flee the fighting in Donbass, but often find themselves trapped on the front line.

The evacuation will never take place. Civilians ukrainians are waiting grouped together in a communal building. A first shell fire fell very close to the journalists of France Télévisions, as they joined the blocked civilians. Everyone runs for cover. In the basement, there are about ten of them hoping for a car. “We walked about three kilometers under the bombs. We were very scared”, testifies a man. They’ve been waiting for five hours already.

The shelter is not deep and, through the door, the sounds of artillery are very distinct. To wait, another civilian plunges into reading a book. “It allows me to escape and I learn the wisdom of the tragic fates of the characters”, he said. After several hours of waiting, there is still no car. Finally, they receive a phone call: there will be no evacuation. Civilians are disappointed.

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