More than eight months after the promulgation of the bioethics law, “all women do not yet have access to care in France even though they meet the legal criteria”.
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Associations for the defense of the rights of LGBT people are calling for increased resources and improved care for couples of women who have recourse to medically assisted procreation (PMA), on the occasion of Tuesday, April 26 of the Lesbian Visibility Day. And quote the“unable to get an appointment” where the “restricted age requirements”.
More than eight months after the promulgation of the bioethics law allowing couples of women and single women to resort to PMA, “not all women yet have access to care in France even though they meet the legal criteria”regrets in a press release the association Les enfants d’arc-en-ciel (EAC).
Extended deadlines
The association is also calling on the government to abolish the “arbitrary and illegal conditions added by Cecos” (centres for the study and conservation of eggs and human sperm) as “lower age limit” compared to that set by law or “the required proof of common life”.
In general, lesbian women experience “great difficulties” during their PMA course, which can be explained by a “lack of resources, which results in a slowdown in deadlines”abounds Matthieu Gatipon-Bachette, spokesperson for the Inter-LGBT association.
“The government underestimated the demand” and the lack of gametes is felt in the lengthening of the deadlines, he laments. “We now need concrete means, and not only in equipment, but in training” professionals.