Swastikas discovered in two municipalities of Creuse the day after the presidential election

Swastikas were discovered in Creuse on Monday morning, the day after Emmanuel Macron’s re-election. Two municipalities in the south of the department are concerned: Saint-Pardoux-Morterolles and Saint-Pierre-Bellevue. The two mayors lodged a complaint with the gendarmerie of Royère-de-Vassivière.

How to explain these tags symbols of the Nazi regime on municipal buildings and signs ? The mayor of Saint-Pardoux believes that this may be a consequence of the second round of the presidential election. These two municipalities have indeed placed Marine Le Pen in the lead on Sunday. In 2017, they had voted in the majority for Emmanuel Macron. In all, 112 Creuse municipalities have thus “switched” to the National Rally in five years.

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