Adrien Quatennens is “welcomed that the far right does not take power”


France 2

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Christophe Castaner, president of the group La République en Marche at the National Assembly, and Adrien Quatennens, deputy La France insoumise, were the guests of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday April 25.

Christophe Castaner, president of the group La République en Marche in the National Assembly, reacted the day after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, Monday April 25, on France 2. “No President of the Republic with a presidential majority has been re-elected since General de Gaulle. What was impossible has become possible.” ”An anti-extreme right reflex means that all those who voted for Emmanuel Macron are not necessarily people who joined his project”he nuanced.

Adrien Quatennens, deputy La France insoumise, was also the guest of the 4 TruthsMonday, April 25. “Marine Le Pen is not taking power, it’s a good thing. Now, what we have to work on is the fact that Emmanuel Macron does not keep it”he explained. “These are two political projects that we are fighting, of a different nature. I am glad that the extreme right does not take power”he specified.

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