Towards a new residence for the prime minister?

The National Capital Commission (NCC) recently developed a plan to build a new official residence for the Prime Minister, while the current official residence, the dilapidated 24 Sussex, is falling into disrepair.

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According to a preliminary document obtained and unveiled on Saturday by CTV News thanks to an access to information request, the new building envisaged would be both suitable to house the Prime Minister and his family, but also to hold various events.

Thus, a room that can accommodate up to 125 people for ceremonies, conferences or other events could be integrated into the residence, an asset that 24 Sussex does not have. Rooms intended to receive foreign dignitaries are also envisaged in this purely exploratory project of the NCC.

big bill

Either way, 24 Sussex — which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has never lived in since taking office in 2015 — continues to deteriorate at high speed.

Electrical system posing a fire risk, multiple water damage due to aging plumbing, absence of central air conditioning, presence of asbestos, walls, foundations and chimneys in poor condition: according to the NCC’s analysis, there would cost $36.6 million to complete all necessary repairs and upgrades. The work would be spread over a period of 12 to 15 months.

By comparison, the NCC estimates that it would cost another $40.1 million to knock the house down and rebuild it, a cost barely higher than the renovations.

Approximately $6 million has already been invested over the past 10 years in maintenance and improvement work on the residence.

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