Public is committed to helping Ukrainians

For two months, the destruction in Ukraine has caused and continues to cause too many victims. Unfortunately, health infrastructures are not spared, further complicating the mission of health professionals who are already very poor.

Faced with this observation, Public and CMI France have decided to work alongside the association Aide Médicale Charitative France-Ukraine (AMCFU) in order to send ambulances as quickly as possible, as well as emergency pharmaceutical products, to help the people of Ukraine. The goal? Charter, with the help of the company BSE Ambulances, about ten vehicles prepared and equipped especially for operations in conflict zones.

Together we can act by making a donation to the association Aide Médicale Charitative France-Ukraine on the website of Operation Ambulances for Ukraine

The AMCFU association in a few words: Created in 2014 following the events in the Donbass on the initiative of health and solidarity professionals, the AMCFU association aims to create a chain of solidarity between France and Ukraine in order to improve over time the humanitarian situation in Ukraine. Since February 24, 2022 and the start of the armed conflict with Russia, the AMCFU association has already chartered 53 ambulances and 16 semi-trailers to send medical equipment and medicines to the Ukrainian population.

BSE Ambulances in a nutshell: VSstablished in 1993, the company BSE specializes in the preparation and equipment of medical vehicles and has demonstrated its know-how in the design of ambulances for many years.

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