Nabilla pregnant: all the details of her delivery revealed

Impatient to become a mother for the second time, Nabilla revealed the details of her delivery on April 23, 2022 on Snapchat. As she enters the last month of her pregnancy and is expected to give birth to her baby.”very beginning of june“, the wife of Thomas Vergara confided that she wanted to give birth in Paris as for her first son Milann (born in October 2019).

Very close to her grandmother Silvia, she explains: “We’re going to Paris soon. I want to see my grandmother, I miss her too much. I’m going to be very honest that’s also why I’m going to give birth in Paris, it’s that here’s my grandmother, she can come and see me, she’ll be able to stay for weeks and weeks with me, well, the maximum anyway. My mom too who is between Dubai and Geneva (…) These people are so important to me and it’s complicated to bring them to Dubai“.

My daddy will come too

Happy at the idea of ​​giving a little brother or a little sister to Milann (she still does not know the sex of her baby), she confides that her dad will also be present for this birth. “There is also my dad who will come, he is in Geneva so he takes the train“, says the former reality TV candidate before adding: “That’s also why we want to go to Paris for this period, after if I have contractions before and I give birth in Dubai well it will be God who will have decided so. But here is normally the program is to give birth in Paris.”

For this moment that she already imagines magical, the pretty brunette has everything planned and also wants all her friends to be present. “We will take a huge apartment where there will be all our friends, all Thomas’s friends, my best friend Jessica, everyone who will be able to come and see us!“, reveals the former candidate of the reality tv angels settled in the United Arab Emirates for a few years. “Dubai is great but I don’t want to give birth here and be alone in my little house I want to see my family and make it magical and that in Dubai would not have been possible.”

As a reminder, Nabilla has been in a relationship since 2013 with Thomas Vergara. The couple – who had separated after an incident on the night of November 6 to 7, 2014 where the young woman had stabbed her lover’s chest – united for the first time in London in May 2019 before get married a second time during a sublime ceremony at the Château de Chantilly on July 6, 2021.

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