Jean-Luc Mélenchon teased by Edouard Philippe who gives him a gift connoted…

The Paris Book Festival, formerly known as the Salon du livre, opened to the public on April 22. And, for the first day, it was necessary to count on the presence of various personalities. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the third man in the presidential election and leader of La France Insoumise, paid a visit there surrounded by a slew of cameras, microphones and cameras. His meeting at a stand with a political opponent gave rise to a funny sequence…

Indeed, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was able to chat for a few moments with former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe – from the ranks of the right-wing party Les Républicains but who had agreed to join the government of Emmanuel Macron – who came to sign his book. Clear prints and lines (JC Lattes editions). A book written in collaboration with Gilles Boyer, which recounts his years as Prime Minister. Once in front of his stand, Jean-Luc Mélenchon asked him what he had written about and the former right-hand man of the current president replied: “I wrote about what it is to be Prime Minister, it seems that it interests (…) So this book, we wrote it about what the experience at Matignon is. I think we’re going to offer one to Mr. Mélenchon, because you never know.

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