J minus 8 before the patent of May 1st in Pontmain.

Registration possible on Hello Asso on the France bleu Mayenne or FFRandonnée Committee website or directly at the Maison du tourisme, avenue Robert Buron in Laval.

But let’s talk about our hike of the day. Last night at Genest-Saint-Isle, a 4 km short circuit was inaugurated in tribute to Marie-France Roguet, who died 2 years ago. She was president of the Godillots du Plessis association before Gérard Goisbeault took up the torch.

In Genest-Saint-Isle, the paths and their hedges have been preserved and you can now choose a 15.5 km circuit numbered 1, a second of 11 km and a third of 12.5 km with impeccable markings and associated signage. And it’s not over, another completely new circuit will see the light of day after the purchase by the municipality of a strip of land to be acquired along the LGV line which is unsuitable for cultivation and which could be planted.

Depending on your choice, you can stop at Clermont Abbey, sneak into the bocage, dream of gold and good fortune while passing through the old mines of La Lucette. It is true that sequins sparkle in the setting sun in the closed courtyard of the factory which today transforms imported antimony metal into oxide, in the form of white powder, a very popular component in the manufacture of fireproof products, so that does not catch fire.

You will find the first 3 circuits in your Autour de Laval topo that we are updating for hiking proposals that take into account the signage installed or to be installed in 2023 all around our capital.

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