Death of singer Arno taken away by illness, he was 72 years old

Terrible news. Singer Arno, whose real name is Arnold Hintjens, is dead. His death occurred this Saturday, April 23 and it was his agent, Filip De Groote, who confirmed this to the Belgian press, including The evening. He unfortunately succumbed to his pancreatic cancer.

Very moved, his manager issued a press release in which he declared: “He will be missed by all of us, his family, his friends and his musicians. He will always be with us thanks to the music that kept him alive until the end.“His cancer had been diagnosed in 2019 and, since then, Arno had been fighting as best he could against this atrocious disease. In 2020, when he had undergone his third chemotherapy, he continued to perform his concerts.People who know I have cancer ask me why I’m on stage, but you have to know that it’s the stage that gives me the most energy. When I know I’m going to play, I feel galvanized. Music has always saved my life (…) I become one with the public and that makes me strong. I ask people to give me this strength“, he said on a daily basis From Standaard.

Unfortunately, the following year, Arno had been forced to give up the stage canceling several concerts due to the deterioration of his state of health. Weakened by cancer, the singer – who had stopped his treatment at the start of this year – had given his news to the newspaper The Parisian while promoting his new album titled Live. “I live day by day. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow does not exist. I enjoy life. I spent five months in the hospital, I have a Baxter (a drip) with me from time to time to feed me (…) I lost weight. I’m a Chippendale now. I bought thongs at Ikea on sale, ten for 5 euros, in leopard, peas, shrimp. And yet, I am allergic to shrimp“, he said.

Arno sincerely hoped to win his fight since he still had plans under his arm. “I’m going to do a rock tour and a piano-bass charm singer tour… I’m writing. I’m going to make a record with“, he still assured the Parisian. Unfortunately, fate decided otherwise.

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