Does robotized France have a future? Africa, beyond the Covid? The eco debates of Saturday April 23

Every Saturday, two economists discuss subjects that mark economic and social news.

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Around Emmanuel Cugny, Anne-Sophie Alsifprofessor of economics at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, chief economist of the consulting firm BDO France, and Christian de Boissieuvice-president of the Circle of Economists.

Reindustrialisation, innovation: does robotized France have a future?

How to give back to French industry the weapons to gain in creativity and competitiveness? It is still necessary to reindustrialize the hexagonal productive fabric. The tricolor industrial decline now explains our abysmal trade deficit in the face of German surpluses. To stem this decline, France must invest more and better in innovation, from fundamental research to manufacturing processes. Dream or reality: will robotization settle all the words of French industry (productivity, competitiveness, jobs, etc.)? Why reindustrialize rather than relocate? What are the good ingredients of an innovation policy? How to finance this policy?

Africa, beyond Covid?

What economic and social future for Africa hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic? The continent is gradually emerging from a very complicated health situation, but the main problems remain. What are Africa’s needs today, what can Europe in general and France in particular provide? What is the role of rating agencies? What are the sources of financing and how to achieve “sustainable” debt?

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