[Critique] “TWO FACE”: D4vid Lee

We will have to wait a while longer to listen to the debut album of singer-songwriter D4vid Lee, who will instead present the Francos with a new project, Génération VDR, in duet with rapper Rymz, which certainly piques our curiosity. In the meantime, here is a third career EP, the unequal TWO FACE, which however has the merit of underlining the singularity of the musician whose universe straddles R&B, hip-hop and pop-punk. Effective despite the clichés of the text, take Yor Tonight, in opening, actually makes you want to dress up to spend the evening in a club; the title track is devilishly more effective, the electric guitar motif, the rhythm between pop and rap, the singer’s prosody taking the form of the pop-punk hits of 15 or 20 years ago. more melodramatic, 1000 Lights and the epic ballad Blamebroaden the emotional register of the musician who, in terms of production, has relied on the pop flair of composer and director Gary Wide (Sarahmée, Souldia, among others).




D4vid Lee, Joy Ride Records

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