Sophie Vouzelaud: The deaf Miss changes career, her amazing conversion

In 2006, the life of Sophie Vouzelaud took a wonderful turn. That year, she took part in the Miss France 2007 contest and was chosen to be the first runner-up by the winner Rachel Legrain-Trapani. A great victory for Sophie Vouzelaud who has been deaf since birth. Since then, the pretty brunette has tried her hand at several activities, whether in the world of TV but also as a model, influencer and even actress. But lately, Sophie Vouzelaud has added a new and amazing string to her bow.

Indeed, the ex-Miss Limousin is today pastry chef ! She reveals her talents in the restaurant The Lauryvan in Saint Junien. It was chef Laurent Breuil who believed in her after they met. “I appreciated his spontaneity, his dynamism and his know-how. I thought she could become a pastry designer. Whether on TV or on social networks, it was attractive…“, he entrusted to the newspaper Today in France.

Sophie Vouzelaud then quickly took on major assignments. Recently, for Easter Sunday, Fabien’s wife had to concoct no less 90 desserts for customers from the restaurant of the day. A real happiness for the beauty queen who learned alone to ensure behind the stoves. “It was the confinement that made me want to do it. Without any apprenticeship, I became a pastry chef…“, she revealed.

On Instagram, she regularly shares her creations in photo or video. For example, we were able to discover his famous signature dessert for the restaurant: a chocolate Easter egg. And it looks absolutely delicious!

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