four young men arrested after the Longjumeau fight

Analysis CCTV footage allowed the arrest of four young men after the violent fight which opposed gangs of young people Wednesday in Longjumeau (Essonne) indicates the parquet floor this Thursday. The confrontation had a seriously injured, a 15-year-old minor who was stabbed and who is currently in stable condition.

The four men are between 17 and 18 years old

It was the cameras of the vocational school in front of which the fight took place that filmed the scene. In the images, four people were quickly identified then arrested early Wednesday evening, said a police source.

These four young people are between 17 and 18 years old, according to the Evry prosecution. It is not known if the stabber is one of those arrested.

These young people come from three towns in the department, Chilly-Mazarin, Corbeil-Essonnes and Saulx-les-Chartreux, added a police source.

A fight between rival gangs

The fight took place late Wednesday afternoon in front of the Jean-Perrin vocational school. A thirty people from the rival districts of Longjumeau and the neighboring town of Chilly-Mazarin fought.

This school is located near a sports complex located between the two municipalities. The investigation, opened for attempted murderwas entrusted to the Essonne Departmental Security.

This department is regularly the scene of brawls between gangs of young people and was badly affected last year, with three deaths of teenagers.

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