“The Mozart of finance has a very bad economic record”, balances Le Pen to Macron!

Among the strong topics discussed this Wednesday, April 20, live on TF1 and France 2, the hospital, purchasing power, Ukraine but also the pensions of the French.

Marine Le Pen opposes entering retirement at 65 proposed by Emmanuel Macron which is, according to her, “an unbearable injustice”. The representative of the RN assured, in the process, that in 2027, the French “will retire between the ages of 60 and 62 with 40 to 42 annuities”. “The earlier and harder you work, the earlier you have to leave”she launched on set. “I propose a progressive system. All those who have had a first meaningful job between the ages of 17 and 20 will be able to leave at 60.”

“We have a lot of progress to finance”rebounded Emmanuel Macron. “We must also improve the level of pensions, I propose to pass the minimum contributory, today from 980 euros, to 1100 euros.” For this, the President “does not want taxes to increase, nor our debt, so there is only one way: to work gradually more by shifting the legal age by four months a year, taking into account long careers and hardship”.

“You do not take into account the criteria of arduousness. In your pension system, someone who starts a difficult job at 25 retires at 67”, continued Macron in the face of his opponent. “You never say how you finance your progress, it’s not honest. Either you have hidden taxes or you’re going to jeopardize pensioners’ pensions.”

Marine Le Pen quickly resumed speaking and told Macron that he had “created 600 billion euros of additional debt in five years, two thirds of which have nothing to do with Covid-19”. “There are 400,000 more poor people, that’s your result”, ended up letting go of the president of the National Rally. “There is an 85 billion deficit in the trade balance, an absolute record. The increase in productivity is 0.1%. The Mozart of finance has a very bad economic balance sheet, and an even worse social balance sheet”

See also: The very disturbing confidences of Brigitte Macron

Apolline Demarchelier

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