Arielle Dombasle did not vote for the presidential election: she reveals the surprising reason…

Arielle Dombasle bad citizen? While 26.3% of abstainers (more than 12 million voters!) were counted in the first round of the presidential election of April 10, 2022, is the star one of those? Yes but no. She explained herself on the airwaves of RTL.

Regular resident of Big heads, a program hosted by Laurent Ruquier – who wants to do at least five more years – Arielle Dombasle was among the April 11 band. And she mentioned the first round of the election that occurred the day before. Invited to watch the results on TV at the host’s home, she was at the heart of a misunderstanding with the latter as he said. “I invited her because I knew she was all alone, her husband BHL goes wherever there is war. And I know she drinks tea you see. So I had made the tea and all and, at some point, I said to him ‘do you have your tea?’ And she says “no I’m American!“, he related. “I really didn’t understand! But it was cute, it was adorable“, she reacted, amused.

Arielle Dombasle then explained why she had not taken part in the ballot which placed outgoing President Emmanuel Macron in the lead (with 27.8% of the vote) ahead of his far-right rival Marine Le Pen (23.1% ). “I was born in Connecticut [ce que Libération peut confirmer, le journal ayant eu copie de son passeport prouvant son lieu de naissance et son âge, objet de toutes les rumeurs, NDLR]. And if I ever vote in France, I lose my American nationality! I swore before the law“, she clarified.

We understand better then why she does not want to participate in the ballot, she who is afraid of losing her American passport even if she nevertheless resides full-time in France. Asked about the last American presidential election, Arielle Dombasle confirmed with a great “Oh no !“not having voted for the divisive Republican Donald Trump. And to specify that, in the past, she had had the chance to meet the popular Democrat Barack Obama.

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