Presidential 2022: what do the French expect from the debate between the two rounds?


Article written by

C.Tixier, V.Gaglione, F.Mazou, N.Leydier, D.Chevalier – France 2

France Televisions

The debate ofbetween-two-rounds of the presidential election will take place on the evening of Wednesday 20 April. In the meantime, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are finalizing their preparation. What do the French expect from this debate?

To a few hours of the debate onbetween-two-roundswhich will take place on the evening of Wednesday April 20, it is in her HQ that Marine Le Pen refines her arguments. Emmanuel Macron continues to work. His diary is indeed more busy, with diplomatic exchanges on Tuesday April 19, and a Council of Ministers meeting on the morning of April 20. The debate is eagerly awaited by the French.

Montpellier (Herault)the inhabitants have very specific expectations about the attitude to be adopted by the candidates during the debate. “No aggression, calm, quiet, and a very good explanation”testifies a resident. “I would like it to warm up a bit”says another. Marine Le Pen intends to attack the balance sheet of the outgoing president, and defend his program. For his part, Emmanuel Macron is in a very different position from 2017, after five years in power. He must, during the debate, avoid appearing too arrogant.

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