a cow killed and cut up in its meadow in Loubajac

In Loubajac, north of Lourdes, a dairy cow, a 600-kilo Montbéliarde, was found dead in a field early Tuesday morning. It was partly dismembered on the spot.
The union of young farmers hopes that the perpetrators of these facts can be found and punished. A gendarmerie investigation was opened and the union launched an appeal for witnesses.

Mathilde Pénin, President of JA 65 explains that the cow was discovered “in the middle of the meadow with the whole back cut off and part of the front too. It was someone who came deliberately to kill the cow, who cut her up and who took away the best pieces for him.”

For the farmer it is a shock. It has been established in the town for a long time and is recognized for the quality of its breeding. “He is very hurt by what happened,” said the leader of the agricultural union. His herd in addition, is now completely scared. “There is no longer any way to approach the other cows” who had to be shot with painkillers to be able to be brought inside.

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