“If the debate goes well, it will be Marine Le Pen who will end up in the ballot box”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Tuesday, April 19, meeting with Malo, 20, student in Paris.

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Malo, 20, is a student in Paris. In the first round of the presidential election, he hesitated for a long time between Éric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen and finally chose the candidate of the National Rally, like 26% of 18-24 year olds. Malo says he was seduced by the ideological shift, according to him, operated by the candidate for a few years. “I find that Marine Le Pen has changed compared to 2017. She has come back to certain points“, launches Malo. “His position on immigration, I found it too radical. This time she wants to hold a referendum“, he explains.

The 20-year-old student also supports Marine Le Pen’s proposal, which promises to exempt from income tax “all under 30” regardless of their resources. According to him, this would encourage young people to stay in France.

Malo wanted to remain anonymous for this interview. Despite the strategy of “de-demonization” operated by the National Rally, the student is not comfortable with the fact of saying that he votes for Marine Le Pen. “When you’re young, many don’t understand why you can vote for Marine Le Pen“, he laments, evoking pressure on social networks or in the professional environment. On the other hand, Malo assumes when it comes to his entourage.In everyday life with my friends, I say“.

Malo will be very attentive to the debate between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday April 20. “I am waiting for a Marine Le Pen who is able to respond, who is physically present to show that she is capable of taking the place of Emmanuel Macron.

The outcome of the debate could even make him change his mind about his vote. “If Marine Le Pen collapses, if she hides behind her leaves and if she has no repartee, it will change the situation. If she makes the same mistakes as in 2017, my choice will be Emmanuel Macron. If it goes well, it will be Marine Le Pen who will end up in the ballot box”concludes Malo.

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