Canada: maple syrup, Quebec’s economic treasure, is in danger



France 2

Article written by

M.Damoy, S.Guibout, N.Lachaud, Drone Images: Tommy Fafard Virtuo360Inc – France 2

France Televisions

Due to the weeks spent in confinement, the consumption of maple syrup has jumped by 20% in the world. Canadian producers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up, especially since global warming is causing poor maple sap harvests.

Maple syrup, Quebec’s economic powerhouse (Canada)suffocates. The syrup produced in Quebec represents two-thirds of world production. But for the past three years, the maple trees have not tolerated global warming, which has reduced the harvest. In April, thehe season has already started: Alan Brysona syrup producer, is ready to harvest the maple sap of the day, but it’s been delayed. The precious sap comes out of notches made in the trunks. It is then boiled to extract the syrup. HASBefore that, it has to flood a network of pipes, and it all depends on the weather.

However, for the past two years, the climate has been unpredictable: the thaw of spring comes too quickly, and shortens the harvest. For now, Alan Bryson and his team managed to harvest enough to produce 10 liters of syrup. For a good season, it will take 9,500. So, in an attempt to produce more, they tapped more maple trees. A right that thousands of Quebec producers have obtained. The situation is indeed tensewhile syrup reserves are at their lowest, and world consumption has jumped by 20% since the Covid-19 pandemic.

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