Mandatory mask wearing | No change in trains and planes in Canada

(Ottawa) Transport Minister Omar Alghabra has no intention of following suit in the United States. Wearing a mask will therefore remain compulsory on Canadian trains and planes despite the end of this health measure among our neighbors to the south.

Posted at 2:39 p.m.

Mylene Crete

Mylene Crete
The Press

“Masks add additional protection[againstCOVID-19”hesaidafterapressconferenceinCalgarywherewearingamaskwasalsomandatory[contrelaCOVID-19 »a-t-ilaffirméàl’issued’uneconférencedepresseàCalgaryoùleportdumasqueétaitd’ailleursobligatoire

“We will continue to follow the advice of our public health experts and all measures that require passengers to wear the mask are maintained,” he added.

A federal judge on Monday struck down the requirement to wear a mask on public transportation in the United States. She believes that public health authorities have exceeded the limit of their powers in managing the pandemic.

His decision had the effect of making the wearing of a mask optional, both for passengers and for employees, in American planes, trains, Uber vehicles and most public transport in the United States.

The country’s major airlines, the rail company Amtrak abandoned this measure imposed in the spring of 2020 on Monday evening. Transport companies Uber and Lyft did the same on Tuesday morning.

Isn’t Minister Alghabra worried that there will be confusion for travelers crossing the border? “With COVID-19, the past two years have been unpredictable and have caused a lot of uncertainty,” he said, saying he was confident that Canadians will continue to respect health measures.

“I take no pleasure in imposing such rules except that I know they exist to protect everyone’s health and safety. »

With Associated Press and Agence France-Presse

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