“1:15 p.m. on Sunday”. > The Fillon affair> Episodes 3 & 4 – France 2 – November 7, 2021

This series in four episodes of the magazine “1:15 p.m. on Sunday (Twitter, #1:15 p.m.), signed Stéphane Dépinoy and Clément Magnin, returns to the Fillon affair, while the appeal trial of the former Prime Minister in the case of the suspicion of fictitious jobs is being held from November 15 to 30, 2021. This politico-judicial event upset the scenario of the 2017 presidential election and finally brought Emmanuel Macron to the Elysee Palace. After a resounding victory in the primary of the right and the center, the candidate Francois Fillon is splashed with the “Penelopegate”.

In January 2017, The chained Duck reveals that his wife benefited from two alleged fictitious jobs as parliamentary attaché and as literary advisor for the Review of two worlds Boomerang effect for the one who based his electoral campaign on probity. Justice quickly begins prosecutions, in the middle of the presidential campaign.

A last chance meeting

François Fillon, whose wife finds herself in the spotlight, has been shouting conspiracy from the start. Is he in doubt? In any case, March 5, 2017 is the day when everything seems to be able to change. Indicted, he remains in the race for the presidency, but many right-wing tenors have turned their backs on him. The Republican candidate is organizing a last-chance meeting on the Place du Trocadéro in Paris, notably with the support of Sens commun, an offshoot of the Manif pour tous …

On Monday, June 29, 2020, the Paris Criminal Court ruled that the work of Penelope Fillon’s parliamentary assistant, alongside her husband, then her deputy Marc Joulaud, does indeed constitute a fictitious job. François Fillon is sentenced to five years in prison, two of which are firm, with ten years of ineligibility. His wife and his deputy receive a three-year suspended prison sentence. The condemned, who appealed against this judgment, must reimburse the sums paid by the National Assembly, or nearly one million euros.

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